"For active portfolio managers aiming to achieve positive alpha going forward, the integration of artificial intelligence into the investment process is indispensable"

Michael Schopf

Artificial intelligence will have a similar impact on the investment industry as the emergence of passive investment strategies and ETFs. 

While ETFs have reduced costs and simplified access to broad market indices, AI enables complex data analysis for idea generation, sentiment analysis, portfolio optimizations and most importantly, unbiased/objective recommendations.

AI is like a personal analyst, another employee and sparring partner for you – but the final decision is still yours!
Compare the cost of an additional analyst or employee to the cost of an AI assistant that is available 24/7 – AI costs less than 1/20th.


AI-Software Providers


While there are several thousand AI software providers worldwide, only a few of them are geared to the specific needs of professional fundamental investors.

We have designed an extensive proprietary database from which we can identify the third party AI-providers most relevant to your investment process

Our Solutions for professional Investors

We show you how you can use artificial intelligence to your advantage in the investment process. AI can generate additional alpha, highlight risks (e.g. red flags, ESG) and save time/resources, for example through sentiment analysis, idea generation or portfolio optimization.
AI is like a personal analyst, another employee and sparring partner for you – but the final decision is still yours!

1. Analysis

In-depth analysis of business and portfolio management needs and goals to identify potential opportunities for AI integration

2. Develop bespoke Solutions

Collaborate with investment managers to develop a bespoke AI strategy that aligns with investment process and objectives

3. AI Recommendation

Execution of AI projects in the investment process, including recommendations of relevant third-party AI software from our extensive proprietary database

4. Support

Ongoing support to ensure seamless AI integration and optimal flow of the investment process

Why SMC?


  • Time and cost savings: You don't have to look for suitable AI applications yourself - you save valuable time
  • Experience: Due to many years of experience in the investment industry, we know the processes very well
  • AI expertise: Our knowledge of artificial intelligence comes from various industries
  • Market overview: We have an extensive database that includes all relevant providers in the field of AI
  • Full cost control: Flat fee for our service

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